We first met (then) Col Subhash Datta at Patiala in Feb 1986, when he came as my relief as CO of 1 Armd Div Sig Regt (above). Mrs Datta had just been blessed with a daughter.
The Regt was getting its first full Col CO (his 3rd command) and I was handing over command of an illustrious Sig Regt, as a Lt Col, after a tenure of almost 3 years.
Despite his formidable appearance and walrus moustache, he came across as a very Gentle Giant. It was great to see the uniformed Gentle Giant cradling his infant daughter in his brawny arms, ever so gently. That image has endured in my mind over the decades gone by! (below)

Thereafter, he led the Regt through BrassTacks very effectively in his own characteristic style and one always heard of his contributions to the Regt in the most positive manner.
Later, everytime we met, it was very pleasant to exchange 'khabar-shabar' on lots of issues. He was a gracious host (emphatic as ever on the liquid diet) when we visited them at their New Delhi home and was always most cordial, helpful and affectionate even when I met him at his Cabinet Sectt office.
The best part about Brig Subhash Datta was that invariably, everyone who spoke of him, always had some good things to say about him, large hearted and ebullient that he was. Truthfully, I have never heard anyone say anything to the contrary and that is how , his memory lives with us. The Gentle Giant with a Big Heart.
My colleagues, serving and retired, of 1 Armd Div Sig Regt, will permit me to record, on their behalf, our pride and happiness that Subhash Datta was the 18th Commanding Officer of the Airawat Signal Regiment and will always remain a part of our history.
May his soul rest in peace and May the Almighty give us all the strength to bear his loss and to emulate his hearty laugh and bear hug warmth.
Thanks & Regards
Maj Gen BS Keron VSM