If there ever was an officer, a gentleman, of sterling qualities- great head, heart, spirit & cheerfulness, it was Tommy. He would bear no malice, ever, to any one. We have a number of ‘genius’ level officers, but ease of effort and ‘bindaas’ intelligence wise Tommy towered head & shoulders above. He never wanted to be in the rat race and was happy with the way life was panning out. Tension was taboo to him. A great sportsman, who would never be found alone; we all sought his company. He was spontaneous with help whenever anyone approached him.
He was rechristened ‘Tommy’ during our Degree Course because of his smiling, simple boyish ways & looks and his gurgling laughter (refer photo). His school friends and Squadron mates preferred ‘Omi’. Meera recalls his amiabilty and sauntering across to have a genial conversation with each lady particularly coursemates, at any gathering.
His professional versatility- CO 11 Inf Div Sig Regt; OC Computer Wing, MCTE; Battalion Commander IMA & He was the Founding Father of the Army Institute of Technology (AIT) Pune. His aptitude for ‘EDP’ developed early and he went on to make a very successful second career in the field of Computers after opting for premature retirement.
Tommy was ‘genuine’ 24 carat human, yet unassuming, humble and devoid of airs and that made him the most valuable asset of our course. The news of his illness hit us all hard but his passing away was a shock to all those who knew him.
We pray for his soul to rest in peace and for the Almighty’s Blessings to family and friends to bear this most untimely loss. We will miss you Tommy, immensely…
In fond memory of a really good human being.... Tommy.
Thanks & Regards
Maj Gen BS Keron VSM