I had the privilege of being on staff course at Wellington (1961-62) where he was the Commandant. His dynamic personality and sense of humour really touched us all.
What touched me in particular was his POSITIVE attitude. He corrected one young officer who said, "I don't think.................," General Manekshaw snapped at once, "It is negative thought. Now turn it around to say. "I think.............."
His other pet phrase at that time was, "Gentlemen, be mentally and physically robust."
Those two sentences of his have remained guidelines in my own life until now.
I pray for peace of his departed soul in heaven.
Rajinder Singh
Wellingborough, UK
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was a Great Soldier and a Great Human Being. His legacy will live for ever to inspire the Defence Forces.
We pray to God Almighty to bless the departed soul with eternal peace.
Air Commodore (Retd) T Pannu & family
Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. How true.
Here was an officer who was a role model for most of us.
His tribe no longer exists in present day defence services.
My humble tributes to this great officer and gentleman.
Suman Chandra
For more read: End of an era