It was with a sad heart that I attended the funeral the former SO-in -C, IC 404 Lt Gen ID Verma. He was the Commandant of the then School of Signals, when I landed in Mhow as a YO in 1955. I cannot express my feelings for him any better than given in the extract from my book as given below.
Brig lakshman Singh (Retd)

The journey back to Mhow and the sleepless night was spent with visions of being marched up to the Commandant the next day haunting me. Mercifully nothing happened possibly he had not seen us, rather improbable under the circumstances, or he must have remembered his own days as a YO and let it go with a smile to himself.
I am indebted to Lt Gen ID Verma, PVSM, the former SO-in-C for more reasons than one, not only for ignoring the peccadillo of the young YO back then when he was the Commandant of School of Signals but also for very kindly agreeing to preside over the function for the release of my book ‘Letters From The Border and Other Less Told Stories’.